Our Expertise
Eastwoods has a wealth of experience in the health and professional services industries with clients including:
Specialist Medical Practices and Practitioners
General Medical Practices and Practitioners
Dentistry Practices and Practitioners
Employed Doctors
Veterinary Practitioners
Skin Specialists
Financial Planners
Agricultural Consultants
IT Consultants
In addition, we have expertise in the following industries:
Building & Construction
Property Investment & Development
Our Services
Financial Accounting
We prepare annual statutory and/or periodic financial accounts for your business using the financial data from your internal accounting software system or a package maintained by us.
As registered Tax Agents and prepare and lodge Income Tax Returns for all entities being:
- Individuals
- Partnerships
- Trusts
- Fixed/Unit
- Discretionary/Family
- Deceased Estate
- Testamentary
- Companies
- Self-Managed Superannuation Funds
We also monitor and advise your lodgement status and timing to ensure ATO compliance. Other taxation services we provide are:
- Preparation and lodgement of Instalment and Business Activity Statements
- Preparation and lodgement of Fringe Benefits Returns
- Preparation and lodgement of ATO Private Rulings
- Consulting on all state and federal taxation matters
- Liaising with the ATO and tax lawyers regarding complex tax matters.
Our business advisory services include:
- Business set up and restructuring
- Finance applications
- Acquisitions and buy-ins
- Budgeting
- Key performance indicator reporting
Self-Managed Superannuation Funds
We provide a full suite of SMSF services including financial statement preparation (segregated and unsegregated), annual return preparation and lodgement, arranging for actuarial reports and audit, pension commencement and commutation, preparation and lodgement of Transfer Balance Account Reports.
We also work with your financial advisor in relation to contributions, pensions, withdrawals, rollovers and estate planning.
Corporate Secretarial
As registered agents for the Australian Securities Investment Commission we look after all of your corporate secretarial functions including:
- Receipt and monitoring lodgement of company Annual Return
- Maintaining company registers
- Preparation and lodgement of member and officer changes
- Arranging for incorporation, deregistration and liquidation
For small businesses we can assist with maintaining an online accounting system and ensure all your statutory obligations are attended to. For medium and larger businesses, we work with your bookkeeper/accountant to assist in achieving the same.
Get In Touch With Us
We would love to hear from you. Get in touch by calling or sending us an email. You may also reach us by filling out the enquiry form.
08 8332 5566
Find Us Here
69 Kensington Road, NORWOOD, SA 5067
NOTE: Kensington Road clearway times are:
South Side - city bound
7.30 - 9.00 am
North Side - hills bound
4.30 - 6.00 pm